Maybe it was the anticipation of celebrating next year's Christmas with our child that kept us from the usual excitement of the holiday this year. Either way, it has still been a great week, just missing some of that 'magic' that I hope will return for us through our child's eyes in future years.
Our baby also recieved a first gift - a Christmas present from the future grandparents:
One other very exciting thing that happened during the break was that I think I may have felt our baby move for the first time! On Christmas Eve, I was sitting at the shops looking at the baby monitor I had just bought when I noticed what felt like a large bubble popping inside my belly where I was leaning the packet of the monitor. I don't know for sure if it was the baby moving as I don't know what I am feeling for, but I had never felt anything like it. I felt a similar sensation later that night, then twice throughout the day on Christmas Day. One of the times I pressed down gently where I felt the movement, and I felt it again, faintly against my hand. I guess I wont know for sure if it was the baby until the movements become more obvious, but if it was then how wonderful for it to happen at such a special time of the year.
Other than that, I managed to survive the Christmas period quite well. I did miss the usual glasses of wine and Christmas ham, but it is a sacrifice well worth it for the health & safety of our baby. I even managed to get a couple of nights of sleeping through for 5 hours or more! Very unusual for me considering the trouble I have been having sleeping, as well as the middle of the night bathroom stops that still haven't eased up at all.
1 comment:
Hi, I stumbled across your blog recently and have been following your progress. I am due a little before you on approx 28-30/04/08 and also went through IVF albeit for different reasons. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi and let you know that that is exactly what my first movements felt like. Everyone told me it would feel like a butterfly but it didn't for me, it felt like a bubble popping as you say, or like popping corn and then, when it got stronger, I could distinguish it as a poke or kick and then also started to get more general movements which feel like swishes. How special that you felt the movements at Christmas for the first time. Worth the wait and now they will get more and more regular, probably especially after you eat and if you are sitting still resting. Enjoy it!
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