Jan 5, 2010


The bleeding ended up stopping completely just after lunch yesterday. There was no more overnight either. This morning when I went to the toilet after doing my pessary, there was a small amount of dark red blood and a tiny clot when I wiped, but then I have had nothing else all day, not even spotting.

I guess there is a chance that maybe the two embyos implanted and only one has miscarried, but with amoint of blood loss yesterday and in particularly the cramping and clotting, it is hard for me to have any hope at all.


Tammy said...

Is it worth getting a couple of betas at the GP?

Kath said...

Too over it Tam, will do another HPT every few days or so, but the only thing definitive will be a scan & it's still too early. Just going to do my best to distract myself until then, nothing I can do to change the outcome.

Lea said...

Kath I am glad the bleeding has stopped *hugs* I am thinking the same as you, both implanted and unfortunately you have lost one :( We both know plenty of people who have had large bleeds and still gone on to have successful pregnancies. I hope this is the case for you.
Thinking of you