Sep 7, 2010

24 weeks

Here I am this morning at 24 weeks...

Starting to feel quite big...particularly as I still have quite a way to go!  Not too uncomfortable yet though which is surprising - there are still times throughout the day where I don't even feel pregnant.

Heartburn has started rearing it's ugly head in the last couple of days though.  Mainly at night after dinner which is pretty normal.  Not finding it much of a problem during the day so far.  I've just started to notice my leg/feet muscles cramping more at night, as well as a bit of the 'restless legs' when trying to sleep.  And still getting up to pee at least once through the night.  But I am managing the nights ok (well as well as I ever do!) with just one extra pillow between my knees for a bit of extra support.

It seems I do have S.P.D. again though - I'm still managing to keep it at bay with just making sure to do the right kinds of movements and not the ones that aggravate it.  I spoke to the midwife at the 24 week appointment yesterday and she has also suggested a remedial massage therapist for if it does get worse like it was last time.  This time around I would have to try something, that pain was just horrible last time.  Medically  it is just birth that 'cures' it, but there are obviously a number of natural therapies that can help.

Everything else at the appointment went well, my BP is still about the same at 105/60, baby's heart rate sounded really good at 145bpm.  The only other thing we really discussed was all the paperwork that I will need to sign off on before the birth.  I am absolutely amazed at the options I am being given by this hospital compared to the last one.  Last time, my only choices were whether or not to authorise Vitamin K and Hepatitis B vaccine for the baby.  This time I need to choose both of these, but also whether to give an injection or oral doses of the Vitamin K, and whether to start the Hep B at birth or at 2 months.  I also need to choose whether or not to use the assistance of a Syntocinon injection to expel the placenta, or whether to birth it naturally.  Last time this wasn't even mentioned to me and they just jabbed me with a needle at the time.  The midwife has given me some information to read through so I can take my time to form a decision.  She did also assure me that while I have all these choices if everything is going to plan, they will take over the decisions if it becomes medically necessary for my or the baby's safety.  How wonderful that I get to be so involved in the decisions about my body and my baby!

So, next step is the gestational diabetes test in a 2-4 weeks time, followed by an appointment (which I really must book today!) with the hospital midwifes in about 5-6 weeks time.  I'm also planning on doing a hospital tour soon too - I think they have one at the end of every month.  I'm really looking forward to seeing more of the hospital I have heard so much about!

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