Oct 25, 2007

12 weeks!

Finally, 12 weeks today!! Here is my 12 week belly shot...

And just to compare - this one was taken at 7 weeks...

I can't believe how much my body is changing already! The last week or so I have really started to notice my belly popping out. It is becoming very difficult to hide and especially as the weather is heating up, I am running out of clothes that I can wear that do any kind of job of hiding my belly. I think there are quite a number of people at work that pretty well know now - I was at our head office yesterday where I used to work and I had one person ask me if I had good news to share, another asked me how my family planning was coming along. I have never shared any kind of ttc stuff with them so somehow it seems my pregnancy has leaked. It never ceases to amaze me the power of gossip in a large workplace!

I'm not too bothered though, really I am the only one who can confirm this pregnancy and I will do it when I am good and ready. At this stage I am thinking that I will make the announcement at work on Friday next week - my 12 week scan is on Tuesday, then my appointment with the OB to get the results is on Friday morning. I am due to go to head office on Friday afternoon so I'm thinking I will have the discussion with my manager at that stage, then let all the other staff know and hear all the 'I knew it' comments.

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