Jul 5, 2010

Midwife appointment

I had my midwife appointment today, what a great midwife I have!  The appointment ended up being just over 30 mins when all that was really needed was to check the baby's heartbeat and my blood pressure.  The heartbeat sounded beautiful, and it was so relieving to hear.  It's hard to know that I have this little life growing inside of me when I still can't feel anything.  My blood pressure was pretty low, but she wasn't too concerned as it can be normal for this stage of pregnancy and I normally sit on the lower side.

The rest of the appointment was spent discussing labour - basically addressing my fears due to my last labour experience and how we can make sure that this time is a completely different experience.  She was so understanding and really helped reassure me that there is a chance that I can get myself prepared before the birth and not have such a terrifying experience the second time around.

The only other thing from the appointment was that I got the referral for the 19 week morphology scan.  I've decided to go to a brand new place that has just opened, which is actually right next door to my obstetrician.  They do the 4D scans which I had with Jake and would really like to have again.  I booked it in while I was there - we are all set for the 6th August, just 4.5 weeks away!!

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