Oct 9, 2010


As if I needed more pain.  This is the second day I've been having pain in my hands, specifically at the base of my thumbs.  It hurts to close my hands into a fist and particularly when putting any pressure on my hands like picking up an object.  There's also a weakness there that makes me concerned that I'm going to drop the object I'm holding.

At first I thought maybe I just slept on it wrong, but it got worse at the end of the day yesterday, and is still bad this morning.  I've also noticed a small amount of swelling in my feet over the last few days.  Swelling from fluid is  what causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome during pregnancy.  And like S.P.D., the only cure is delivery.  Its basically the same sorts of symptoms as a repetitive strain injury.  So if you imagine opening and closing your hands all day long, how it would feel the next morning and you get the idea.

Sitting on the laptop working on our business during the day wouldn't help, but I was also in an office based job during my last pregnancy and didn't have any sign of it.  Or the swelling though - I don't remember having any swelling until the day after the birth.

I ended up seeing a physio about the S.P.D. a few days ago - recommended by my OB.  She used to be the physio at the hospital and has a special interest in women's issues.  I did learn a few tips for pain management, but essentially it was what I already knew - pretty much put up with it until the baby is born and hope it goes away straight away.  She also checked my lower back and found it to be quite tight, apparently from having to help support the belly more due to the looseness of the pelvic muscle.  The massage to loosen it was awesome, felt so much lighter afterwards.  I'm already starting to get some pain back though.  I have another appointment in 2 weeks so she can keep an eye on it, then probably just one or two more appointments before the birth.

So between the pubic pain, lower back pain and now hand pain (which I am still secretly hoping will magically just disappear!), I am a bit over being in pain.  I'm still very grateful that all is well with the baby and everything has been going smoothly medically, but my body just doesn't seem to like pregnancy...


Lea said...

Oh Kath, I feel your pain! I had CTS when I was pregnant with Cali and Oscar. Not nice at all :( and especially with SPD :( I hope you get some relief from both soon. If it gets worse, talk to your phsio, I have known people who have work wrist guards to help.

Lea xo

Unknown said...

Again, you don't know me lol but it's uncanny how similar our pregnancies are (except I have twins).

I had very bad Carpal Tunnel with my first daughter and it's horrid although there are things to do that really really ease the pain. As Lea said, the wrist guards you can get with the metal inserts are brilliant. I couldn't use my hands at all with Kara ~ I would cry for hours in a day but these eased it A LOT. I also had physio three times a week through the hospital and that was great too. Mine actually went at about 36 weeks, so I was lucky but suffered while I had it!