I had EPU yesterday morning and all went well. I still get nervous before pick ups, I think it's just the GA that I really don't like. Something that can make you change from being alert one millisecond, to completely out of it in another millisecond scares the crap out of me. But it all went well - I ended up having the same anaethetist that I had for my first cycle so I knew he was good, plus the relief FS came and introduced herself to me before I went in and she was lovely. She seemed to have done a great job too cause I wasn't in any pain when I woke up and hardly any spotting even. Huge improvement on last time.
I was very surprised to be told that they collected 15 eggs when I was only expecting around 10! They ended up putting me on a drip of fluids for a while just in case cause of the big pick up result. The FS actually came and saw me when I was first waking up from the anaesthetic so I didn't actually know if I was dreaming or not. I think she could tell that I was really out of it cause she came back later and asked if I remembered seeing her! She warned me that even though I got 15 eggs picked up, that she thought there would be a few immature ones in there and to not be too surprised if I only ended up with about 6 mature eggs.
Anyway, I got the phone call this morning to say that out of the 15 eggs - 13 of them were mature enough to ICSI! And out of them, 11 of them have fertilised!! I was so surprised to hear those results after expecting to only have around 4-6 eggs fertilise. So I'm now feeling much better about the possibility of getting a couple of good blastocysts to transfer on Tuesday. On my last cycle, I ended up with 5 fertilised eggs on day 1, they all made it to blast stage, I transfered two really good ones, but the others were not good enough quality to freeze. So I'm feeling pretty good about starting with 11 this time. Hopefully the quality is still there though after a bigger pick up.
I also had my first appointment with my new acupuncturist and wow, I just love him!! I was happy with my other acupuncturist, but I couldn't handle driving to the city so often to see her so I found a guy much closer to home. I am just so thrilled with him - he made me feel really comfortable from the moment we walked in, explained everything he was doing and why in very simple to understand terminology and I barely even felt any of the needles! He is currently studying his masters degree specifically in fertility/IVF and acupuncture so is very good at what he does. I walked out of there feeling absolutely fantastic, more alert but relaxed at the same time. I would not have thought that I had just been through a pick up. And today I feel great - better than I have after any of my other pick ups! I just can't believe what a difference it has made! I actually still have 3 needles in me now - very tiny ones. Two in my leg and one in my ear! They just look like tiny little patches of tape, he has asked me to leave them on for 3 days before removing them. If all goes well and transfer goes ahead, I will be seeing him before and after that as well.
Must now go and keep packing for the weekend - hubby and I are off on our romatic weekend escape that I booked a couple of months ago. It's been a bit hard logistically cause of when my pick up was so probably not the best timing, but I guess it will help as a distraction during the next few days while I wait to see how our embies are doing. I've been wanting to go to this place for years so I'm very excited that we have finally got around to going there :)