Aug 22, 2007 I am

Well, I made it through transfer - I now have two 'perfect quality' blastocycsts on board. The embryologist was very happy with the progress of our embies - they actually already had some cells that were hatching in preparation for implantation. Here they are:

I know that it's fantastic that we can produce such good quality embryos, but I really don't know how much that means for our chances of conception. I mean, we have always had super quality embryos but none of them have stuck yet so it's starting to seem like it really doesn't matter what quality they are. I am still very grateful that we are able to get such a great result during the first part of the cycle, but the more cycles we do, the more I doubt the end result.

Anyway, the actual procedure went well, a little more uncomfortable than the last time but no problem. Hubby ended up just making it to the hospital in time to be with me for it. I was really glad to have him there - at this stage, half of the embryos are him so it just wouldn't have felt right being there without him.

Now I just have to get through the 2WW...


Jules said...

Aw, they're beautiful. Good Luck in your 2ww.

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

They are really beautiful! I wish you all the best xoxo