Feb 11, 2008

Remnants of IVF

I've been struggling a little lately with a few things that I have put down to remnants of our IVF journey. Through the depression that I experienced during our IVF journey, I always believed that falling pregnant would fix everything and none of it would matter anymore. While I feel so incredibly grateful and blessed to be carrying this baby and it has made everything a million percent better, I am just starting to realise that it doesn't take away from what we went through with IVF and I may still have a few things to work through. On that note, I bought a book that I am reading, hoping that it will help:

It goes beyond the actual IVF treatment cycles into the ongoing effects throughout pregnancy and after birth. So far it has been a really good read and it seems to have a lot of my feelings spot on so I'm feeling very positive about it being able to help me get over this little hurdle.

Bub is really quite active these days. While I am getting used to the movements happening, I still love feeling them. Sometimes the baby moves around so much I can see movements all over my belly. It is such a strange and wonderful feeling, I could sit and watch it for hours.

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