Apr 10, 2008

36 weeks

Here is my 36 week belly shot, I think it is safe to say that I'm feeling pretty huge these days!

And here's the comparison with the 34 week shot:

I had my 36 week checkup at the OB yesterday afternoon. We ended up seeing the midwife again for this appointment. Bub and I are both still travelling along well. Baby is head down, but facing up at this stage with all limbs out to the front of my belly. Explains all the movement I've been seeing lately. It's good knowing what body parts I'm actually feeling. Hubby even got to feel the head with the help of the midwife. It has started to decend into the pelvis, but still has a bit of room to move so further to go yet before engagement.

Apparently at this stage it is looking like a very average sized baby for us. The midwife guessed the birth weight at between 7 pounds - 7.5 pounds. Definately would be happy with that!

1 comment:

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Oh wow you are all tummy! Just gorgeous!