Apr 28, 2008

The Nursery

I thought it was about time that I added some pics of the nursery. Although bub wont be sleeping in there for the first couple of months, I wanted to have everything ready for when we get home. We haven't done a huge amount with the room - it is a small room and with one side taken up by windows with verticals and another by a full length mirrored cupboard there was not a lot of space to work with.

This cot was the very same cot that I was brought home to as a baby...

I love the changetable that we chose - is doesn't take up much room, but the drawers are really big so fit heaps of stuff in them. It's also a bit higher than a standard changetable which is great for hubby and I. Plus the mat comes off the top so that it can be used as a normal chest of drawers once the changetable part is no longer needed:

And finally, here is our bassinet - where the baby will be sleeping for the first couple of months. As the nursery is a fair distance away from our main bedroom, the bassinet will be in the lounge across from our bedroom. I love our bassinet, it is the first real baby purchase that we made all those months ago:


Bron said...

Just looking at your days counter, not long to go at all now. Your nursery looks really lovely and the bassinet is beautiful. Very special about the cot too. I have so enjoyed reading about your pregnancy, especially knowing how special this little bub will be to your and your husband, but it's also been an interesting blog to read and has made me long for the day when I can do a pregnancy one too. Can't wait for your news.

Renee said...

It looks great - not long now!