Apr 24, 2008

38 weeks

Just when I thought I couldn't get any bigger...

I am so uncomfortable these days, although I'd be happy to put up with just being uncomfortable to get rid of the sciatic pain. I'm not getting much sleep at all - I can't seem to find a position where I can't feel the pain shooting down my leg. I've been dealing with this pain now for months, I guess it is just starting to wear me down. Although even when the pain is bringing tears to my eyes, I still can't help but smile when I feel the baby move inside me. Not for one second have I questioned if it is worth it.

I had my 38 week appointment with the midwife yesterday afternoon. Everything is still going well. The baby is 'moving towards engagement' so still not engaged properly yet, but is apparently in a very good position for a natural birth. The midwife took some time at the appointment to run through the procedures again for labour & delivery, and although I was already aware of everything she said from the classes, I felt that rush of confidence again that I can get through this labour. She was very clear that I would have choices throughout the labour and if I wanted to try to get through with little medical intervention, her and/or the midwife on staff at the hospital are able to help me do just that.

I feel very ready for what is to come. I'm not sure if it is normal to feel this ready - I would have expected to feel quite anxious about the labour and beginning of motherhood, but I feel surprisingly confident and ready.

1 comment:

AJ said...

Great Pics Kath...I've loved watching your nursery grow in the background too!!