Nov 30, 2010

36 weeks

36 weeks today!  Here I am this morning...

And to compare with my last pregnancy...

Seems to me like I'm pretty similar - maybe a bit bigger?  Looks lower this time to me though.  Check out the tan though!! ;)

I had my 36 week appointment with the OB yesterday - all still going really well.  Bub is still head down and he is happy with how we are both doing.  OB thinks it's another decent sized baby (Jake was 8lb12oz), but I was also told in my last pregnancy that they expected the baby to be about 1 pound less than what he ended up being so I'm not thinking much of it!  Only thing is I have to get another blood test done today so they can re-check my iron levels to make sure the the tablets have brought them up to a more acceptable level.

I'm on weekly appointments now - I see the midwife next week, then the OB every week after that until baby decided to make it's arrival.

I'm starting to have a few more issues sleeping lately, but the pelvic & sciatic pain during the day seems to have really eased up...most days anyway.  As long as I don't do too much physically.  It's still causing quite a bit of pain at night with rolling over in particular, but while it's manageable during the day I'm not complaining too much.

Other than that, I am coping quite well.  I'm not at the completely over it stage, but I am very much looking forward to the end, being able to meet this special little one and being able to be more physically active with my family again.

1 comment:

AJ said...

Still looking fab Kath!! Only a tiny bit bigger I think. Can't wait to 'meet' this little one!